We wish the people of the UK and the Commonwealth our deepest condolences on the loss of Queen Elizabeth II. She was a woman of grace and strength during countless difficult times. Most of us reading this cannot remember a time without her as queen of England. She died after reigning over 70 years, second in length only to King Louis XIV of France, and he was crowned at 9 years old.
If you are new to Ingrid's work, she often honors strong women of the past, usually from the renaissance or a little later. She has never used a living person as a subject until Queen Elizabeth.
Ingrid completed the commission of Queen Elizabeth II about a year and a half ago. It is titled "Timeless Royalty." It was coincidentally completed on the Queen's 95th birthday and installed on Philip's death. The artwork itself took almost 2 years to create and was mostly done during the pandemic. Also in homage to the 70th anniversary (Platinum Jubilee last June) of Queen Elizabeth's reign, Ingrid produced a special metal series edition. Only 40 will be made available.
When the Metal Series was created there was no thought of the queen's death. It was a piece to honor her life. The title says it all - "Timeless Royalty."
If you would like to learn more about this unique piece, please click here.